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Starting a Chapter


For starting a new chapter one is required to collect subscriptions from at least 25 teachers and send the total amount collected by a bank Demand Draft taken in favour of ELTAI to our office at Chennai (Address found in our websites www.eltai.in ) only by Speed post or Courier service.

In his/her capacity as the Convenor of the chapter, the one who collects the subscriptions may issue a temporary receipt, if required. And the ELTAI office will send individually to all the members enrolled, the official receipt with the Membership ID after receiving the subscription amount.

It is suggested that the following benefits of membership of ELTAI may first be made known to teachers:

  • A free copy of our bi-monthly, Journal of English Language Teaching
  • Reduced Registration fees for attending all our programmes including our Annual conferences
  • Preference given to our members in the publication of their articles in our Journals
  • Eligibility for getting subsidized membership of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. (IATEFL)
  • Opportunities for interaction with ELT professionals in India and abroad
  • Access to our E-Journals—The ELT Practitioner, Journal of Technology for ELT and Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literate.

It is easy to enroll members at seminars/workshops/conferences organized by any institution.
Of the 25 members enrolled at least 20 members have to be either short or long term members.

For any clarification eltai_india@yahoo.co.in may be contacted.



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